
Fun Fitness Fundraising in Newport Beach


Yoga, cycling classes, and group exercise are just examples of fast becoming essential types of fundraising events that people would love to engage in Newport beach. Many people are finding it is a great way to encourage others to promote health and to help other people by participating in these events.

For nonprofits looking to get the attention of their fundraising events, Coach Q’s military type of exercise would be a great one. His unique way of helping people with their physical health and for the Newport Beach American Legion makes him ideal.

Quentin Pullen was known as Coach “Q,” is one of the fitness instructors in Newport Beach. Coach Q’s strong background, including serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, you know you’ll be working up a sweat at any of his boot camps. His events like “ruck hike” (hitting the trail while carrying a backpack or “rucksack” made fitness enthusiasts more excited in participating in his activities.

Another type of charitable event that still deals with fitness in Newport Beach is Yoga. A well-known yoga studio in Newport Beach called Ra Yoga hosted a 90-day challenge called “Ra90/Ra For a Cause” back in the summer of 2017. Yogis were invited to choose a charity to represent, with donations going to nonprofits based on attendance by the students who signed up to represent them. Last year, Ra Yoga was able to donate over $3,000 to the selected charities. The event was so popular that it had become a tradition each summer.

For more charitable fitness event in Newport Beach. http://www.newportbeachmagazine.com/philanthropicfit/